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Bret Michaels Meets Harry the Sloth

Just minutes before taking the stage at Busch Gardens’ Bands, Brew & BBQ festival on Sunday, Feb. 19, former Poison frontman and reality TVstar Bret Michaels met the most popular – and hairiest – of Busch Gardens’ Animal Ambassadors team, Harry the sloth. Busch Gardens Tampa Bay combines world-class...
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Heidi Opossum

Heidi Opossum
Heidi opossum (May 2008 – 28 September 2011) was a Virginia opossum housed at Germany’s Leipzig Zoo. In December 2010, the two-and-a-half year old, cross-eyed animal made international headlines shortly after a photograph was published by Bild. Heidi inspired a popular YouTube song, a line of stuffed animals,...
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Sand Cat Kittens Emerge From Den

In early August a sand cat at Zoo Tel Aviv Ramat-Gan gave birth to four healthy kittens. Now at three weeks-old the babies have begun to emerge from their den, much to the delight of zoo visitors. Photo credit: Tibor Jäger
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Cutest Monkey Species

Cutest Monkey Species
cutest monkey species This clade includes small apes and large anthropoids, as well as strepsirrhine species such as lemurs . According to the current phylogenetic classification , they are grouped in the intermediate clade of Euarchontoglires with rabbits , toupees orgaléopithèques . Cutest monkey speciess today are divided into two clades: one of strepsirrhines, which owns the lemurs , and that of haplorrhiniens , which belong tarsiiformes and simian , which include, among others, the hominid 1 , 2 which includes the be...
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Amazingly Cute Animals

Amazingly Cute Animals
Zoran Milutinovic Robert Cinega Miroslav Hlavko Mark Bridger Mark Bridger Mark Bridger Mark Bridger Oscar Nilsson Arno van Zon Yulia Stahovskaya Elke Vogelsang Dalia Kvedaraite Simon Roy Simon Roy Zoran Milutinovic Iza Łysoń Seiji Mamiya Roeselien Raimond Seiji Mamiya Roeselien Raimond Andre Villeneuve Andre Villeneuve Andre Villeneuve Julian...
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Penguin Plays With Ipad

Penguin and Ipad
Penguins at the Aquarium of the Pacific were given old iPads, with a cat game on it, to play with. The penguin in this video obviously loved it. Come on Pee Wee, catch that mouse!
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