I want to talk to you about two things that may seem completely unrelated: dog kisses and bench press. Let’s start with dog kisses. Now, I know there are some people out there who cringe at the thought of a slobbery dog tongue touching their face. But I...
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Puppies and dogs love leaves in part because of this smell and how leaves carry on when come in. The smell of gradually decaying leaves, earth and general smell of the outside can be an overpowering bait for canines. It will allure them need to proceed to explore...
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I watched it with the sound off and was like yeah that’s cute. I turned the sound on and watched it again and now I am ugly crying. When he finally hears his mom yell back you feel his sense of excitement and relief!
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Goats: Can stand on a near 90 degree cliff face. Also goats: slide down a 2×4 at an incline of about 10 degrees. I love goats.
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